How do I find and contact Pet Sitters on Holidog USA?
It’s simple: Use the free search tool on our website to find and message the Pet Sitters you like the look of. We recommend that you create an account by clicking “Sign Up” on our homepage. Pet Setters who are interested in your request will get back to you as soon as possible via the Holidog messaging system. To increase your chances of finding the right Pet Sitter, we recommend that you message all the Pet Sitters who interest you. Remember, this process is completely free of charge. If you activate the "Automatically Suggest Pet Sitters" feature from your account, we will automatically send a notification to any Pet Sitters who match your search criteria.
Can I contact multiple Pet Sitters at once?
Yes. Holidog’s messaging system allows you to send notifications and exchange messages with multiple Pet Sitters at the same time, but you can only select one Pet Sitter when making a booking. However, you can search again, then select and book a new Pet Sitter, if the first one you meet does not meet your expectations.
How long does it take to receive a response from a Pet Sitter?
Don't worry if you don't receive a response immediately. Our Pet Sitters check their accounts regularly and will respond to you within a maximum of 24 hours. Usually, the first responses arrive just a few hours after your request. If you still haven't received a response after 24 hours, try adding more Pet Sitters to your selection. If you need more details, visit our "Help Centre" by clicking on "Support" at the bottom of your screen.
How much does it cost to use Holidog?
It is completely free to create an account and message Pet Sitters on the Holidog platform. Holidog will only request payment when you want to confirm and book a Pet Sitter. You can then meet your chosen Pet Sitter in person before deciding to go ahead with contracting their services. Our prices are fixed (see our offers in more detail by clicking on “Prices”). You can see the cost of one pet sitting session on your profile once you've initiated a search.
What does a Holidog membership include?
Our subscriptions include unlimited bookings, so long as all bookings are made during the term of your subscription. If you're having trouble finding a suitable Pet Sitter, please get in touch with our Customer Service team by visiting the "Help Centre" at the bottom of your screen, clicking on "Help". Subscriptions automatically renew at the end of each term. You can cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription at any time with just one click from your Holidog account. To do this, simply go to your profile, click on "Subscription", and deactivate the automatic renewal feature. Your current subscription will not be cancelled.
I've found the perfect Pet Sitter, how do I make a booking?
Once you've created your Holidog account, you can book your chosen Pet Sitter from the “Searches” section of your profile. You will then be asked to pay the Holidog fee online, via a secure payment portal, by selecting one of our subscription packages. Once this step has been completed, we'll send you the contact details for your chosen Pet Sitter so that you can communicate with them directly.
How much should I pay my Pet Sitter?
At Holidog, we believe it's fair to let our Pet Sitters decide their own rates. The price of each Pet Sitter is displayed clearly on their profile so that you always know the cost of their service in advance. The amount displayed during the search corresponds to the total cost of the service, for all the animals involved. This fee should be paid directly to the Pet Sitter - it is not included in the Holidog subscription.
I’m not satisfied with the first Pet Sitter I booked, can I find another one instead?
Yes, of course. You can redo your search and find another Pet Sitter if the first sitter you booked does not meet your requirements. To do this, go to your account and click on “Searches” and then “Bookings”. Our system allows you to send a notification to the same Pet Sitters as before and/or select new ones. You will not be asked to pay the Holidog fee again, as you will already have done so when making the first booking.
What should I give the Pet Sitter on the day I leave my pet with them?
We recommend that you leave your Pet Sitter with all the essentials: a lead, food, toys, bed, and all necessary medical information. We also advise that you let your Pet Sitter know about any additional requirements for your pet in advance through our online messaging service (e.g. if your pet is on a special diet or taking any medication).
Does Holidog have accident insurance to cover the pet sitting service?
Yes. Our Holivet guarantee is included with all bookings for our VIP members! For other members, the Holivet guarantee can be purchased as an added extra with each booking. Our Holivet guarantee covers veterinary expenses incurred by your pet in the event of an accident during their stay with a Pet Sitter, up to $500 in emergency expenses.
How do I know that Holidog Pet Sitters will take good care of my pet?
The safety and well-being of your pet is our top priority. To this end, we have set up a rigorous validation process: when a Pet Sitter registers on our website, our advisors carefully review their profile and only accept applicants who meet Holidog’s exacting standards. In addition to this, we have a feedback system that allows our customers to review their Pet Sitter after the service has been completed. This means that you can browse through all the customer reviews to help you make up your mind. Don't worry, even if you change your mind about your chosen Pet Sitter after the initial meeting, you can always search again for free and contact us to let us know about your concerns!
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