Frequently Asked Questions


How do I find and contact Petsitters on Holidog?
Can I contact numerous Petsitters at once?
How long does it take to get answers from the Petsitters?
How much does the Holidog service cost?
What is the difference between a subscription and a one-off payment?
What does the subscription involve?
I have found the ideal Petsitter, how do I book them?
How much do I pay the Petsitters?
I am not satisfied with the first Petsitter I booked, can I find another one?
What should I give the Petsitter on the day of exchange?
Does Holidog have insurance in case of accidents during the assignment?
How do I know that the Petsitters on Holidog will take good care of my pet?
I need further information, how do I contact Holidog?


How do I become a Petsitter?
What does a Petsitter do?
What are the hours for this job?
Can I search and contact clients directly?
How do I get more notifications?
How long does it take to get your first notification?
How do Petsitters get paid? How much can I earn?
How do Petsitters get paid? How much can I earn?
Is my personal information safe on Holidog?
Where will the pet sitting take place?